
Daily Yoga and Tantra group sessions in Lagos. Small groups and trauma informed facilitators. Focus on conscious energetic flow in the body.

Sessions led by Agni Chandra:


This weekly practice is a powerful activation of all seven chakras of our energy system. You will be guided how to connect with each chakra and amplify the connection by voicing sacred sounds. Activation starts with root chakra and moves the energy up to the crown. At the end, all awakening will be guided down back to the roots of your being. This practice is perfect if you wish to purify and activate you energy body on all levels.

duration: 75-90 min
drop-in: 10-15 EUR


Tantric Embodiment is a path to express your authentic Self through the body. We use modern somatic exercises as well as tantric and yogic practices to awaken your natural potency. We use breath, sound and movement to embody a way of being, in which your breath becomes open, voice shameless and body movements free. To express whatever is present in the moment. It awakens your capacity to receive more Life Force. The energy that wants to express through you.

duration: 90 min + community gathering
drop-in: 20-25 EUR


We flow through this powerful yoga session with ease and grace. We learn a beautiful sequence through repetition, to explore our strength and flexibility. We awaken our vitality focusing on the breath and pleasure of movements. Watery approach allows us to drop the goal, even if the sequence is inviting towards a peak pose at the end. It’s the journey that matters. This session is for everyone who wishes to feel joy in the body again.

duration: 90 min
drop-in: 15 EUR 
4-class-pass: 50 EUR (valid 3 months)
10-class-pass: 90 EUR (valid 3 months)


It is your individual meeting with the teacher who will give you the space and assistance to go deeper in understanding your needs. Teacher observes your practice, gives advice and assessments if needed. You can join Mysore classes at any level. It’s also the best way to start your Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga journey.

duration: 90-120 min
drop-in: 15 EUR 
4-class-pass: 50 EUR (valid 3 months)
10-class-pass: 90 EUR (valid 3 months)
Please arrive at 9:15 latest for Mysore class.
Yoga mats and props are provided FOR FREE.



Sessions led by Monika Abrazo:


This evening weekly offering is one of the more ’YANG’ approach – by the means of different tantric & shamanic practices, breathwork techniques and somatic activation tools (some may be designed as individual, some may give an opportunity of supporting each other in pairs/small groups in the practice) we aim to awaken, energize and sensitize our physical, energetical and emotional bodies. 

Some examples of the practices that we do may include variations of active meditations, pelvis liberation exercises or emotional release tools. Suitable for participants with any previous level of experience with embodiment practices, who desire to actively reclaim their right to be wild and juicy in one’s own bodily and life energy expression.

duration: 75 min
drop-in: 15 EUR


During this evening transformational offering, we are practicing the sacred art of ’YIN’ – opening and surrendering into the flow of Kundalini energy through our bodies. After the initial ’spark’ of connecting with our intention and some gentle release/ shaking warm-up, we open the space for the sacred life force energy to flow more organically and openly, in her unique, untamed and and uncensored ways.

During this weekly offering space you may experience practices like Tandava dance, different forms of bodily spiraling and undulation, as well as explorations of our kundalini energy through the animalistic, sensual or archetypal gateways and through the self-touch. No previous experience with tantric/ somatic embodiment practices is required, ’merely’ the courage and curiosity to open for the mysteries of one’s own kundalini energy unfolding.

duration: 75 min
drop-in: 15 EUR

(specific dates in upcoming months announced in the events calendar)

New Moons are the times of seeding, new beginnings and openings, with the cosmic astrological landscapes setting the tone for the next lunar cycle. When we can initiate ourselves into the next courageous heart-body-soul explorations, from the moment of the new light spark till our next little death & cycle ending.

With support of the Goddess of Cacao with her sacred seeds nectar and the power of breath, each month we go into the journey of self-exploration through our body&soul, initiating the new cosmic journey through our sacred vehicle – our earthy body. Briefly tapping into the astrological climate with its impact for our individual and collective journey, we energize our bodies and our New Moon intentions with various modalities of transformative breathwork and movement.

**Due to the need for right amount of cacao preparations and limited spots, advance registration is necessary!

(specific dates in upcoming months announced in the events calendar)

This profound watery-earthy combination of healing, elemental de-armouring, heart-body-soul temple purification & celebration is a very unique way of women’s circle gathering. Through the connection of Yoni steaming, ceremonial cacao and voice liberation, we tap into the portal of gradual opening of our whole vertical channel, through purification & melting of the sexual, heart & throat temples’ blockages.

We dive deeply into our own cleansing and transformation journey, being supported through the whole women’s circle energy, in the safe space for our emotional, sexual & organic bodily expression. Letting go of taboos, celebrating together our femininity, our natural wisdom and desire to self-care in the circle of sisters.

*If for any reasons you cannot drink ceremonial cacao or take part in the yoni steaming (hard contradictions for steaming are: fresh bleeding, pregnancy, bleeding between period in the last three months; by some sources it’s also not recommended during active infections with a burning itch & tubal coagulation) you can still join this feminine ceremonial space, nesting in our women’s temple in the way that suits your current state in the best possible, loving way!*

**Due to the need for right amount of both cacao and herbal ingredients preparations, advance registration is necessary!

Sessions led by Karolina Darshan Deep:


Yoga for Radiance & Anti Ageing. True Beauty comes from the inside. If your whole body mind system is set up for healing and rejuvenation you don’t only feel great, you also look radiant! Kundalini Yoga works on the energetic system and gives you that special kundalini glow. This practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system which sets the body for relaxation, healing and anti-ageing. The breath exercises, asanas and mantras help regulate our glands which leads to healthy functioning hormones, better sleep, metabolism and mood. This is especially important as we enter perimenopause and menopause. In this class we practice sets and exercises that are specifically designed to slow down the ageing process and maintain beauty and youth, internally and externally. For enduring effects a regular practice is recommended.

Duration: 90 minutes
Drop In: 18€
4-Class-Pass: 60€
10-Class-Pass: 120€*
* WEEKLY KUNDALINI YOGA TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. Special longer Kundalini Yoga-based workshops will be announced in the ‘Events’ page.


Agni Way Lagos Yoga Shala: testimony

Anna: "She's surely the best teacher that I have ever had. Her presence is comforting to the point that you feel fully open to just let your body guide you with no fear nor hesitation. She's taught me that yoga is about letting it be yet not settling. Beautiful experience to participate in her classes."

Agni Way Lagos Yoga Shala: testimony

Karolina: "Full of passion and big heart! So happy when i am a part of her beautiful circle and impressed by the progress of each person. Here is where magic happens!"

Agni Way Lagos Yoga Shala: testimony

Ola: "A truly inspiring teacher, extremely attentive, dedicated, knowledgeable and genuine. I feel really safe under her guidance, each time feeling encouraged to try out new things I thought were way out of my reach. I absolutely love classes, peaceful vibe, clear instructions & personal approach."

All classes take place in my yoga shala in Lagos (Algarve).